
Schools and Colleges

Hero have experience working with managing every element of the student from attendance to termly reports.


Brampton College is the number one Sixth Form college in London. Providing a wide range of A-Level courses plus GCSEs to meet the admissions of the students.


The college had an off-the-shelf facility management system but needed to find an alternative as it was poorly suited and nearing end of life.  A solution was required that could support all the staff within the college from admission through to student registration and reporting.

The project turned out to be more complex than we had all expected but Hero have always been patient, willing and cooperative in helping us meet our needs and more. Hero have many times provided support for our erratic in-house IT department as staff changes have led to emergencies not directly related to Hero’s software and been available for consultation on general IT design elements when we have been lacking in-house expertise.

Head of IT – Brampton College



Hero were asked to design and build a bespoke solution catered to their needs. This was split into three components: a web portal written in PHP with a SQL Server back-end (showing timetables, registers, exam results and reporting information), a desktop application written in VB.NET (to facilitate general day-to-day administrative requirements) and a direct connection to the back-end allowing management to run ad-hoc reports.

The project also called for a full data migration from their existing facility management system into the custom build.

Brampton have since commissioned numerous additions and improvements to the system. This has included a door access system (restricting access based on date, time and card user) and a large system-wide update to accommodate the conversion of GCSE grades from letters to numbers.



  • Web Applications with PHP Laravel
  • Application in Microsoft  .net with Microsoft SQL Server
Brampton College
Application, College

Get in touch


Hero Solutions
Phoenix Yard
Upper Brown Street


Registered Number: 04013510.
Registered in England & Wales. Netready Limited T/A Hero Solutions