
Custom CRM Development

Hero specialises in developing custom CRM systems that are security tested to the highest standard. We have the skills and experience to produce web applications that fit the requirements that cannot be solved with off-the-shelf software.

Custom CRM Development

Hero plans and builds custom CRM systems with the focus on making business processes simpler, more consistent and efficient.   We always start every project with a robust plan that is developed with you; we are passionate about planning and make sure the all documentation and visuals produced are understandable by all.

We are experienced with handling complex processes, systems with millions of files and sensitive records. Over the last 23 years we have worked on most types of applications and will always draw on this experience for your project.


About Hero

We are a UK-based company that creates bespoke, secure applications and internal applications for businesses. We work with a wide range of clients, from SMEs to large multinational corporations. Our portfolio of work contains projects from the public and private sectors, spanning a range of industries.
Our range of work includes, but is not limited to, CRM/ERP applications, web portals, intranet web applications and apps for mobile devices. We have successfully developed and delivered projects for over 23 years, always striving to produce systems that fit our client’s needs and stand the test of time.

We are passionate about good planning and work closely with all our clients to make sure all elements of the system are well planned out, before we start to code. Security implications are reviewed from the outset and regularly revisited throughout the life of the application to ensure it is kept up to date.

Our Clients

We work with a wide range of clients and maintain strong relationships with them. Our key aim is to produce software for life, which can be seen in practice with many of our clients having been working with us for ten to fifteen years. Our team at Hero continually maintains and supports our clients, their businesses and their software.


Get in touch


Hero Solutions
Phoenix Yard
Upper Brown Street


Registered Number: 04013510.
Registered in England & Wales. Netready Limited T/A Hero Solutions